| |
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject(builtins.object)
- SecureArray
- SecureFiniteFieldArray
- SecureFixedPointArray
- SecureIntegerArray
- SecureNumber
- SecureFiniteField
- SecureFixedPoint
- SecureFloat
- SecureInteger
class SecureArray(mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject) |
SecureArray(value=None, shape=None)
Base class for secure (secret-shared) number arrays. |
- Method resolution order:
- SecureArray
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __abs__(self)
- Matrix absolute value.
- __add__(self, other)
- Matrix addition.
- __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs)
- Redirect __array_function__ call to array class, if any.
To support calls like np.block([[secint(9), -1], [1, secint(7)]]).
- __bool__(self)
- Return True if secure array is nonempty, False otherwise.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality testing.
- __ge__(self, other)
- Greater-than or equal comparison.
- __getitem__(self, i)
- __gt__(self, other)
- Strictly greater-than comparison.
- __init__(self, value=None, shape=None)
- Initialize a secure array.
The given value must be None, a Future, or a finite field array of correct type.
If value is None (default) or a Future, shape must not be None.
The given shape must be a (possibly empty) tuple of nonnegative integers.
If shape is None (default), value should be a finite field array.
- __iter__(self)
- __le__(self, other)
- Less-than or equal comparison.
- __len__(self)
- __lt__(self, other)
- Strictly less-than comparison.
- __matmul__(self, other)
- Matrix multiplication.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Multiplication.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Negated equality testing.
- __neg__(self)
- Matrix negation.
- __pow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation for public integral exponent.
- __radd__ = __add__(self, other)
- __rmatmul__(self, other)
- Matrix multiplication (with reflected arguments).
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other)
- __rsub__(self, other)
- Matrix subtraction.
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Division (with reflected arguments).
- __sub__(self, other)
- Matrix subtraction.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Division.
- argmax(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
If no axis is given (default), array is flattened first.
By default, the indices are returned as unit vectors.
Also, by default, the maximum values are returned (next to the indices).
NB: Different defaults than for np_argmax(). Latter behaves like np.argmax()
for NumPy arrays, returning the indices as numbers and omitting the maximum values.
- argmin(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis.
If no axis is given (default), array is flattened first.
By default, the indices are returned as unit vectors.
Also, by default, the minimum values are returned (next to the indices).
NB: Different defaults than for np_argmin(). Latter behaves like np.argmin()
for NumPy arrays, returning the indices as numbers and omitting the minimum values.
- copy(self, order='C')
- flatten(self, order='C')
- reshape(self, *shape, order='C')
- sort(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns new array sorted along an axis.
By default, axis=-1.
If axis is None, the array is flattened.
- sum(self, *args, **kwargs)
- swapaxes(self, axis1, axis2)
- tolist(self)
- transpose(self, *axes)
Readonly properties defined here:
- T
- flat
- ndim
- size
Data descriptors defined here:
- shape
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __annotations__ = {'sectype': <class 'type'>}
- __hash__ = None
Methods inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
- Delegate __array_ufunc__ call to corresponding operator call.
Provisional support for calls like np.less(secint(9), 10).
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Let SecureObjects behave as immutable objects.
Introduced for github.com/meilof/oblif.
- set_share(self, value)
- Set share to the given value.
The share is set directly (or recursively, for a composite SecureObject),
using callbacks if value contains Futures that are not yet done.
Data descriptors inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- share
class SecureFiniteField(SecureNumber) |
Base class for secure (secret-shared) finite field elements.
NB: bit-oriented operations will be supported for prime fields. |
- Method resolution order:
- SecureFiniteField
- SecureNumber
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __abs__(self)
- Currently no support at all.
- __and__(self, other)
- Bitwise and for binary fields (otherwise 1-bit only).
- __divmod__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __floordiv__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __ge__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __gt__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Initialize a secure finite field element.
Value must be None, int, or correct field type.
- __invert__(self)
- Bitwise not (inversion) for binary fields (otherwise 1-bit only).
- __le__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __lshift__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __lt__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __mod__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __or__(self, other)
- Bitwise or for binary fields (otherwise 1-bit only).
- __rdivmod__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __rfloordiv__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __rlshift__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __rmod__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __rrshift__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __rshift__(self, other)
- Currently no support at all.
- __xor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or for binary fields (otherwise 1-bit only).
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __annotations__ = {'field': <class 'type'>, 'subfield': <class 'type'>}
- frac_length = 0
Methods inherited from SecureNumber:
- __add__(self, other)
- Addition.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality testing.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Multiplication.
Special case: repeat of additive group operation.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Negated equality testing.
- __neg__(self)
- Negation.
- __pos__(self)
- Unary +.
- __pow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation for public integral exponent.
- __radd__ = __add__(self, other)
- __rand__ = __and__(self, other)
- Bitwise and, for now 1-bit only.
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other)
- __ror__ = __or__(self, other)
- Bitwise or, for now 1-bit only.
- __rpow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation (with reflected arguments) for secret exponent.
Special case: repeat of multiplicative group operation.
- __rsub__(self, other)
- Subtraction (with reflected arguments).
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Division (with reflected arguments).
- __rxor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or, for now 1-bit only.
Special case: repeat of finite group operation.
- __sub__(self, other)
- Subtraction.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Division.
- if_else(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure selection between x and y.
- if_swap(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure swap of x and y.
Data and other attributes inherited from SecureNumber:
- __hash__ = None
- bit_length = None
Methods inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs)
- Redirect __array_function__ call to array class, if any.
To support calls like np.block([[secint(9), -1], [1, secint(7)]]).
- __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
- Delegate __array_ufunc__ call to corresponding operator call.
Provisional support for calls like np.less(secint(9), 10).
- __bool__(self)
- Use of secret-shared objects in Boolean expressions makes no sense.
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Let SecureObjects behave as immutable objects.
Introduced for github.com/meilof/oblif.
- set_share(self, value)
- Set share to the given value.
The share is set directly (or recursively, for a composite SecureObject),
using callbacks if value contains Futures that are not yet done.
Data descriptors inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- share
class SecureFiniteFieldArray(SecureArray) |
SecureFiniteFieldArray(value=None, shape=None)
Base class for secure (secret-shared) arrays of finite field elements. |
- Method resolution order:
- SecureFiniteFieldArray
- SecureArray
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, value=None, shape=None)
- Initialize a secure finite field array to the given value.
If value is None (default), shape must not be None.
The given value must be array of the appropriate type (int/polynomial/finite field array).
The given shape must be a (possibly empty) tuple of nonnegative integers.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __annotations__ = {}
- frac_length = 0
Methods inherited from SecureArray:
- __abs__(self)
- Matrix absolute value.
- __add__(self, other)
- Matrix addition.
- __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs)
- Redirect __array_function__ call to array class, if any.
To support calls like np.block([[secint(9), -1], [1, secint(7)]]).
- __bool__(self)
- Return True if secure array is nonempty, False otherwise.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality testing.
- __ge__(self, other)
- Greater-than or equal comparison.
- __getitem__(self, i)
- __gt__(self, other)
- Strictly greater-than comparison.
- __iter__(self)
- __le__(self, other)
- Less-than or equal comparison.
- __len__(self)
- __lt__(self, other)
- Strictly less-than comparison.
- __matmul__(self, other)
- Matrix multiplication.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Multiplication.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Negated equality testing.
- __neg__(self)
- Matrix negation.
- __pow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation for public integral exponent.
- __radd__ = __add__(self, other)
- __rmatmul__(self, other)
- Matrix multiplication (with reflected arguments).
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other)
- __rsub__(self, other)
- Matrix subtraction.
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Division (with reflected arguments).
- __sub__(self, other)
- Matrix subtraction.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Division.
- argmax(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
If no axis is given (default), array is flattened first.
By default, the indices are returned as unit vectors.
Also, by default, the maximum values are returned (next to the indices).
NB: Different defaults than for np_argmax(). Latter behaves like np.argmax()
for NumPy arrays, returning the indices as numbers and omitting the maximum values.
- argmin(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis.
If no axis is given (default), array is flattened first.
By default, the indices are returned as unit vectors.
Also, by default, the minimum values are returned (next to the indices).
NB: Different defaults than for np_argmin(). Latter behaves like np.argmin()
for NumPy arrays, returning the indices as numbers and omitting the minimum values.
- copy(self, order='C')
- flatten(self, order='C')
- reshape(self, *shape, order='C')
- sort(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns new array sorted along an axis.
By default, axis=-1.
If axis is None, the array is flattened.
- sum(self, *args, **kwargs)
- swapaxes(self, axis1, axis2)
- tolist(self)
- transpose(self, *axes)
Readonly properties inherited from SecureArray:
- T
- flat
- ndim
- size
Data descriptors inherited from SecureArray:
- shape
Data and other attributes inherited from SecureArray:
- __hash__ = None
Methods inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
- Delegate __array_ufunc__ call to corresponding operator call.
Provisional support for calls like np.less(secint(9), 10).
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Let SecureObjects behave as immutable objects.
Introduced for github.com/meilof/oblif.
- set_share(self, value)
- Set share to the given value.
The share is set directly (or recursively, for a composite SecureObject),
using callbacks if value contains Futures that are not yet done.
Data descriptors inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- share
class SecureFixedPoint(SecureNumber) |
SecureFixedPoint(value=None, integral=None)
Base class for secure (secret-shared) fixed-point numbers. |
- Method resolution order:
- SecureFixedPoint
- SecureNumber
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, value=None, integral=None)
- Initialize a secure fixed-point number.
Value must be None, int, float, or correct field type.
Boolean flag integral sets the attribute integral of the secure fixed-point number.
If integral=True or integral=False, the attribute integral is set accordingly.
Otherwise, if integral=None (not set), the attribute integral is inferred from value
(set to True if value is a whole number of type int or float).
Data descriptors defined here:
- integral
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __annotations__ = {'field': <class 'type'>}
- frac_length = 0
Methods inherited from SecureNumber:
- __abs__(self)
- Absolute value.
- __add__(self, other)
- Addition.
- __and__(self, other)
- Bitwise and, for now 1-bit only.
- __divmod__(self, other)
- Integer division with public divisor.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality testing.
- __floordiv__(self, other)
- Integer quotient with public divisor.
- __ge__(self, other)
- Greater-than or equal comparison.
- __gt__(self, other)
- Strictly greater-than comparison.
- __invert__(self)
- Bitwise not (inversion), for now 1-bit only.
- __le__(self, other)
- Less-than or equal comparison.
- __lshift__(self, other)
- Left shift with public integral offset.
- __lt__(self, other)
- Strictly less-than comparison.
- __mod__(self, other)
- Integer remainder with public divisor.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Multiplication.
Special case: repeat of additive group operation.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Negated equality testing.
- __neg__(self)
- Negation.
- __or__(self, other)
- Bitwise or, for now 1-bit only.
- __pos__(self)
- Unary +.
- __pow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation for public integral exponent.
- __radd__ = __add__(self, other)
- __rand__ = __and__(self, other)
- __rdivmod__(self, other)
- Integer division (with reflected arguments).
- __rfloordiv__(self, other)
- Integer quotient (with reflected arguments).
- __rlshift__(self, other)
- Left shift (with reflected arguments).
- __rmod__(self, other)
- Integer remainder (with reflected arguments).
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other)
- __ror__ = __or__(self, other)
- __rpow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation (with reflected arguments) for secret exponent.
Special case: repeat of multiplicative group operation.
- __rrshift__(self, other)
- Right shift (with reflected arguments).
- __rshift__(self, other)
- Right shift with public integral offset.
- __rsub__(self, other)
- Subtraction (with reflected arguments).
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Division (with reflected arguments).
- __rxor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or, for now 1-bit only.
Special case: repeat of finite group operation.
- __sub__(self, other)
- Subtraction.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Division.
- __xor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or, for now 1-bit only.
- if_else(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure selection between x and y.
- if_swap(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure swap of x and y.
Data and other attributes inherited from SecureNumber:
- __hash__ = None
- bit_length = None
Methods inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs)
- Redirect __array_function__ call to array class, if any.
To support calls like np.block([[secint(9), -1], [1, secint(7)]]).
- __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
- Delegate __array_ufunc__ call to corresponding operator call.
Provisional support for calls like np.less(secint(9), 10).
- __bool__(self)
- Use of secret-shared objects in Boolean expressions makes no sense.
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Let SecureObjects behave as immutable objects.
Introduced for github.com/meilof/oblif.
- set_share(self, value)
- Set share to the given value.
The share is set directly (or recursively, for a composite SecureObject),
using callbacks if value contains Futures that are not yet done.
Data descriptors inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- share
class SecureFixedPointArray(SecureArray) |
SecureFixedPointArray(value=None, shape=None, integral=None)
Base class for secure (secret-shared) arrays of fixed-point numbers. |
- Method resolution order:
- SecureFixedPointArray
- SecureArray
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, value=None, shape=None, integral=None)
- Initialize a secure fixed-point array to the given value.
If value is None (default), shape must not be None.
The given value must be an array of the appropriate type (int/float/finite field array).
The given shape must be a (possibly empty) tuple of nonnegative integers.
Data descriptors defined here:
- integral
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __annotations__ = {}
- frac_length = 0
Methods inherited from SecureArray:
- __abs__(self)
- Matrix absolute value.
- __add__(self, other)
- Matrix addition.
- __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs)
- Redirect __array_function__ call to array class, if any.
To support calls like np.block([[secint(9), -1], [1, secint(7)]]).
- __bool__(self)
- Return True if secure array is nonempty, False otherwise.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality testing.
- __ge__(self, other)
- Greater-than or equal comparison.
- __getitem__(self, i)
- __gt__(self, other)
- Strictly greater-than comparison.
- __iter__(self)
- __le__(self, other)
- Less-than or equal comparison.
- __len__(self)
- __lt__(self, other)
- Strictly less-than comparison.
- __matmul__(self, other)
- Matrix multiplication.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Multiplication.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Negated equality testing.
- __neg__(self)
- Matrix negation.
- __pow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation for public integral exponent.
- __radd__ = __add__(self, other)
- __rmatmul__(self, other)
- Matrix multiplication (with reflected arguments).
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other)
- __rsub__(self, other)
- Matrix subtraction.
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Division (with reflected arguments).
- __sub__(self, other)
- Matrix subtraction.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Division.
- argmax(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
If no axis is given (default), array is flattened first.
By default, the indices are returned as unit vectors.
Also, by default, the maximum values are returned (next to the indices).
NB: Different defaults than for np_argmax(). Latter behaves like np.argmax()
for NumPy arrays, returning the indices as numbers and omitting the maximum values.
- argmin(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis.
If no axis is given (default), array is flattened first.
By default, the indices are returned as unit vectors.
Also, by default, the minimum values are returned (next to the indices).
NB: Different defaults than for np_argmin(). Latter behaves like np.argmin()
for NumPy arrays, returning the indices as numbers and omitting the minimum values.
- copy(self, order='C')
- flatten(self, order='C')
- reshape(self, *shape, order='C')
- sort(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns new array sorted along an axis.
By default, axis=-1.
If axis is None, the array is flattened.
- sum(self, *args, **kwargs)
- swapaxes(self, axis1, axis2)
- tolist(self)
- transpose(self, *axes)
Readonly properties inherited from SecureArray:
- T
- flat
- ndim
- size
Data descriptors inherited from SecureArray:
- shape
Data and other attributes inherited from SecureArray:
- __hash__ = None
Methods inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
- Delegate __array_ufunc__ call to corresponding operator call.
Provisional support for calls like np.less(secint(9), 10).
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Let SecureObjects behave as immutable objects.
Introduced for github.com/meilof/oblif.
- set_share(self, value)
- Set share to the given value.
The share is set directly (or recursively, for a composite SecureObject),
using callbacks if value contains Futures that are not yet done.
Data descriptors inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- share
class SecureFloat(SecureNumber) |
Base class for secure (secret-shared) floating-point numbers.
Basic arithmetic +,-,*,/ and comparisons <,<=,--,>,>=,!= are supported for secure floats,
as well as input()/output() and sorting operations like min()/argmax()/sorted().
Other operations like sum()/prod()/all()/any()/in_prod() are currently not supported for
secure floats.
Implementation is kept simple, representing a secure float as a pair consisting of
a secure fixed-point number for the significand and a secure integer for the exponent.
Note, however, that even basic arithmetic +,-,*,/ with secure floats is very
demanding performance-wise (due to dependence on secure bitwise operations). |
- Method resolution order:
- SecureFloat
- SecureNumber
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __abs__(self)
- Absolute value.
- __add__(self, other)
- Addition.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality testing.
- __ge__(self, other)
- Greater-than or equal comparison.
- __gt__(self, other)
- Strictly greater-than comparison.
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Initialize a secure floating-point number.
Value must be None, int, or float.
- __le__(self, other)
- Less-than or equal comparison.
- __lt__(self, other)
- Strictly less-than comparison.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Multiplication.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Negated equality testing.
- __neg__(self)
- Negation.
- __pos__(self)
- Unary +.
- __radd__ = __add__(self, other)
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other)
- __rsub__(self, other)
- Subtraction (with reflected arguments).
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Division (with reflected arguments).
- __sub__(self, other)
- Subtraction.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Division.
- reciprocal(self)
- Secure reciprocal (multiplicative inverse).
- set_share(self, value)
- Set share to the given value.
The share is set directly (or recursively, for a composite SecureObject),
using callbacks if value contains Futures that are not yet done.
Static methods defined here:
- is_zero_public(a)
- Called by runtime.is_zero_public().
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __annotations__ = {'exponent_type': <class 'type'>, 'significand_type': <class 'type'>}
- __hash__ = None
Methods inherited from SecureNumber:
- __and__(self, other)
- Bitwise and, for now 1-bit only.
- __divmod__(self, other)
- Integer division with public divisor.
- __floordiv__(self, other)
- Integer quotient with public divisor.
- __invert__(self)
- Bitwise not (inversion), for now 1-bit only.
- __lshift__(self, other)
- Left shift with public integral offset.
- __mod__(self, other)
- Integer remainder with public divisor.
- __or__(self, other)
- Bitwise or, for now 1-bit only.
- __pow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation for public integral exponent.
- __rand__ = __and__(self, other)
- __rdivmod__(self, other)
- Integer division (with reflected arguments).
- __rfloordiv__(self, other)
- Integer quotient (with reflected arguments).
- __rlshift__(self, other)
- Left shift (with reflected arguments).
- __rmod__(self, other)
- Integer remainder (with reflected arguments).
- __ror__ = __or__(self, other)
- __rpow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation (with reflected arguments) for secret exponent.
Special case: repeat of multiplicative group operation.
- __rrshift__(self, other)
- Right shift (with reflected arguments).
- __rshift__(self, other)
- Right shift with public integral offset.
- __rxor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or, for now 1-bit only.
Special case: repeat of finite group operation.
- __xor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or, for now 1-bit only.
- if_else(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure selection between x and y.
- if_swap(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure swap of x and y.
Data and other attributes inherited from SecureNumber:
- bit_length = None
Methods inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs)
- Redirect __array_function__ call to array class, if any.
To support calls like np.block([[secint(9), -1], [1, secint(7)]]).
- __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
- Delegate __array_ufunc__ call to corresponding operator call.
Provisional support for calls like np.less(secint(9), 10).
- __bool__(self)
- Use of secret-shared objects in Boolean expressions makes no sense.
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Let SecureObjects behave as immutable objects.
Introduced for github.com/meilof/oblif.
Data descriptors inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- share
class SecureInteger(SecureNumber) |
Base class for secure (secret-shared) integers. |
- Method resolution order:
- SecureInteger
- SecureNumber
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Initialize a secure integer.
Value must be None, int, or correct field type.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __annotations__ = {'field': <class 'type'>}
- frac_length = 0
Methods inherited from SecureNumber:
- __abs__(self)
- Absolute value.
- __add__(self, other)
- Addition.
- __and__(self, other)
- Bitwise and, for now 1-bit only.
- __divmod__(self, other)
- Integer division with public divisor.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality testing.
- __floordiv__(self, other)
- Integer quotient with public divisor.
- __ge__(self, other)
- Greater-than or equal comparison.
- __gt__(self, other)
- Strictly greater-than comparison.
- __invert__(self)
- Bitwise not (inversion), for now 1-bit only.
- __le__(self, other)
- Less-than or equal comparison.
- __lshift__(self, other)
- Left shift with public integral offset.
- __lt__(self, other)
- Strictly less-than comparison.
- __mod__(self, other)
- Integer remainder with public divisor.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Multiplication.
Special case: repeat of additive group operation.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Negated equality testing.
- __neg__(self)
- Negation.
- __or__(self, other)
- Bitwise or, for now 1-bit only.
- __pos__(self)
- Unary +.
- __pow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation for public integral exponent.
- __radd__ = __add__(self, other)
- __rand__ = __and__(self, other)
- __rdivmod__(self, other)
- Integer division (with reflected arguments).
- __rfloordiv__(self, other)
- Integer quotient (with reflected arguments).
- __rlshift__(self, other)
- Left shift (with reflected arguments).
- __rmod__(self, other)
- Integer remainder (with reflected arguments).
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other)
- __ror__ = __or__(self, other)
- __rpow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation (with reflected arguments) for secret exponent.
Special case: repeat of multiplicative group operation.
- __rrshift__(self, other)
- Right shift (with reflected arguments).
- __rshift__(self, other)
- Right shift with public integral offset.
- __rsub__(self, other)
- Subtraction (with reflected arguments).
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Division (with reflected arguments).
- __rxor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or, for now 1-bit only.
Special case: repeat of finite group operation.
- __sub__(self, other)
- Subtraction.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Division.
- __xor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or, for now 1-bit only.
- if_else(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure selection between x and y.
- if_swap(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure swap of x and y.
Data and other attributes inherited from SecureNumber:
- __hash__ = None
- bit_length = None
Methods inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs)
- Redirect __array_function__ call to array class, if any.
To support calls like np.block([[secint(9), -1], [1, secint(7)]]).
- __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
- Delegate __array_ufunc__ call to corresponding operator call.
Provisional support for calls like np.less(secint(9), 10).
- __bool__(self)
- Use of secret-shared objects in Boolean expressions makes no sense.
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Let SecureObjects behave as immutable objects.
Introduced for github.com/meilof/oblif.
- set_share(self, value)
- Set share to the given value.
The share is set directly (or recursively, for a composite SecureObject),
using callbacks if value contains Futures that are not yet done.
Data descriptors inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- share
class SecureIntegerArray(SecureArray) |
SecureIntegerArray(value=None, shape=None)
Base class for secure (secret-shared) integer arrays. |
- Method resolution order:
- SecureIntegerArray
- SecureArray
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, value=None, shape=None)
- Initialize a secure integer array to the given value.
If value is None (default), shape must not be None.
The given value must be array of the appropriate type (int/finite field array).
The given shape must be a (possibly empty) tuple of nonnegative integers.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __annotations__ = {}
- frac_length = 0
Methods inherited from SecureArray:
- __abs__(self)
- Matrix absolute value.
- __add__(self, other)
- Matrix addition.
- __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs)
- Redirect __array_function__ call to array class, if any.
To support calls like np.block([[secint(9), -1], [1, secint(7)]]).
- __bool__(self)
- Return True if secure array is nonempty, False otherwise.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality testing.
- __ge__(self, other)
- Greater-than or equal comparison.
- __getitem__(self, i)
- __gt__(self, other)
- Strictly greater-than comparison.
- __iter__(self)
- __le__(self, other)
- Less-than or equal comparison.
- __len__(self)
- __lt__(self, other)
- Strictly less-than comparison.
- __matmul__(self, other)
- Matrix multiplication.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Multiplication.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Negated equality testing.
- __neg__(self)
- Matrix negation.
- __pow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation for public integral exponent.
- __radd__ = __add__(self, other)
- __rmatmul__(self, other)
- Matrix multiplication (with reflected arguments).
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other)
- __rsub__(self, other)
- Matrix subtraction.
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Division (with reflected arguments).
- __sub__(self, other)
- Matrix subtraction.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Division.
- argmax(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
If no axis is given (default), array is flattened first.
By default, the indices are returned as unit vectors.
Also, by default, the maximum values are returned (next to the indices).
NB: Different defaults than for np_argmax(). Latter behaves like np.argmax()
for NumPy arrays, returning the indices as numbers and omitting the maximum values.
- argmin(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis.
If no axis is given (default), array is flattened first.
By default, the indices are returned as unit vectors.
Also, by default, the minimum values are returned (next to the indices).
NB: Different defaults than for np_argmin(). Latter behaves like np.argmin()
for NumPy arrays, returning the indices as numbers and omitting the minimum values.
- copy(self, order='C')
- flatten(self, order='C')
- reshape(self, *shape, order='C')
- sort(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Returns new array sorted along an axis.
By default, axis=-1.
If axis is None, the array is flattened.
- sum(self, *args, **kwargs)
- swapaxes(self, axis1, axis2)
- tolist(self)
- transpose(self, *axes)
Readonly properties inherited from SecureArray:
- T
- flat
- ndim
- size
Data descriptors inherited from SecureArray:
- shape
Data and other attributes inherited from SecureArray:
- __hash__ = None
Methods inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
- Delegate __array_ufunc__ call to corresponding operator call.
Provisional support for calls like np.less(secint(9), 10).
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Let SecureObjects behave as immutable objects.
Introduced for github.com/meilof/oblif.
- set_share(self, value)
- Set share to the given value.
The share is set directly (or recursively, for a composite SecureObject),
using callbacks if value contains Futures that are not yet done.
Data descriptors inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- share
class SecureNumber(mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject) |
Base class for secure (secret-shared) numbers. |
- Method resolution order:
- SecureNumber
- mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __abs__(self)
- Absolute value.
- __add__(self, other)
- Addition.
- __and__(self, other)
- Bitwise and, for now 1-bit only.
- __divmod__(self, other)
- Integer division with public divisor.
- __eq__(self, other)
- Equality testing.
- __floordiv__(self, other)
- Integer quotient with public divisor.
- __ge__(self, other)
- Greater-than or equal comparison.
- __gt__(self, other)
- Strictly greater-than comparison.
- __invert__(self)
- Bitwise not (inversion), for now 1-bit only.
- __le__(self, other)
- Less-than or equal comparison.
- __lshift__(self, other)
- Left shift with public integral offset.
- __lt__(self, other)
- Strictly less-than comparison.
- __mod__(self, other)
- Integer remainder with public divisor.
- __mul__(self, other)
- Multiplication.
Special case: repeat of additive group operation.
- __ne__(self, other)
- Negated equality testing.
- __neg__(self)
- Negation.
- __or__(self, other)
- Bitwise or, for now 1-bit only.
- __pos__(self)
- Unary +.
- __pow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation for public integral exponent.
- __radd__ = __add__(self, other)
- __rand__ = __and__(self, other)
- __rdivmod__(self, other)
- Integer division (with reflected arguments).
- __rfloordiv__(self, other)
- Integer quotient (with reflected arguments).
- __rlshift__(self, other)
- Left shift (with reflected arguments).
- __rmod__(self, other)
- Integer remainder (with reflected arguments).
- __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other)
- __ror__ = __or__(self, other)
- __rpow__(self, other)
- Exponentiation (with reflected arguments) for secret exponent.
Special case: repeat of multiplicative group operation.
- __rrshift__(self, other)
- Right shift (with reflected arguments).
- __rshift__(self, other)
- Right shift with public integral offset.
- __rsub__(self, other)
- Subtraction (with reflected arguments).
- __rtruediv__(self, other)
- Division (with reflected arguments).
- __rxor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or, for now 1-bit only.
Special case: repeat of finite group operation.
- __sub__(self, other)
- Subtraction.
- __truediv__(self, other)
- Division.
- __xor__(self, other)
- Bitwise exclusive-or, for now 1-bit only.
- if_else(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure selection between x and y.
- if_swap(self, x, y)
- Use SecureNumber as condition for secure swap of x and y.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __annotations__ = {}
- __hash__ = None
- bit_length = None
Methods inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs)
- Redirect __array_function__ call to array class, if any.
To support calls like np.block([[secint(9), -1], [1, secint(7)]]).
- __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
- Delegate __array_ufunc__ call to corresponding operator call.
Provisional support for calls like np.less(secint(9), 10).
- __bool__(self)
- Use of secret-shared objects in Boolean expressions makes no sense.
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Let SecureObjects behave as immutable objects.
Introduced for github.com/meilof/oblif.
- __init__(self, value=None)
- Initialize share.
If value is None (default), the SecureObject starts out as an empty
placeholder (implemented as a Future).
- set_share(self, value)
- Set share to the given value.
The share is set directly (or recursively, for a composite SecureObject),
using callbacks if value contains Futures that are not yet done.
Data descriptors inherited from mpyc.asyncoro.SecureObject:
- share
| |